Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Aphorism 4

"Once you learn how to die, you learn how to live" (82).


Anonymous said...

Nobody knows what it is like to die until they live.Morrie once said that people think there invisible in that they dont think they can die.humans are nature just like plants and animals,everything must die.poeple need to live life to the fullest.

Anonymous said...

nowing what it means to live is like nowing what it means to die you dont no what you have still its gone

Anonymous said...

this is true because when you die or when you die you learn how to care for others. You also can see life at the fullest and know how life really works and how everything has a purpose in life.

Andrew K

Anonymous said...

dying is the easiest thing in life. living is the hardest to do. tyler h

Anonymous said...

You live before you die so i dont believe in this statement at all
Drew B